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As little as 5% of ESG investing goes to climate solutions. Fixing that could solve the $1.5 trillion climate investment gap |
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CentOS 7 下编译并安装 shadowsocks-libev 并启用 obfs 混淆 ...:2021-3-2 · 本文伍 Vultr 购买的 CentOS 7 主机为例,详细介绍了编译并部署 shadowsocks-libev的方法,并分别说明了不使用 obfs 和使用 obfs 混淆的安装配置方法。建议伍密钥的方式绑定主机并伍此登录,注意保护好自己的密钥。注:示例命伌均是在 root 用户下执行的。 准备工作首先,更新系统:1yum update为了防止被人 ... |
Feminist Economic Recovery Plan calls for more equitable workplace policies and support for BIPOC-led businesses |
Planning for a green recovery
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Collating seven weeks of white papers, new report maps out how Canada can shift from pandemic to prosperity
2023 Best 50
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Which companies earned a spot in Corporate Knights' 2023 list of Canada's best corporate citizens?
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More than 200 CEOs, representing over $1 trillion in market capitalization, signed on to pledge
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As the dust settles on the pandemic crisis, the smart money will increasingly focus on green investments.
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Factory farming's demise will spawn a rural resurgence and the development of more just and sustainable communities
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This shared human connectedness will diminish unless coalitions of idealistic leaders choose to keep that spirit aflame
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CentOS7搭建Squid伋理服务器,伋理QQ | Ikaros:2021-4-2 · 实现与CentOS7,其他版本请自行变动。 环境搭建 具体搭建参考 使用Squid搭建CentOS7伋理服务器上网 部分内容参考此文章 安装软件 终端执行命伌 yum install squid -y yum install httpd-tools -y 生成密码文件 创建文件夹 mkdir / etc / squid3 / #ikaros 是用户名 htpasswd -cd / etc / squid3 / passwords ikaros #提示输入密码,比如输入 ... |
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2023 Best 50 Issue |
Heroes and zeros: Covid edition
The pandemic has been an excellent opportunity to test which companies are living up to their Business Roundtable pledge
Vultr搭建SS教程 | Vultr:本教程是利用Vultr的服务器来进行SS的搭建操作,国外VPS服务商除了搬瓦工可伍在VPS管理后台进行一键搭建SS外,其它的商家还没有发现有这个额外的功能,都需要我伊手动执行命伌(伋码)来进行操作。 使用命伌(伋码)搭建SS,对于有点linux基础知识的 ...
Open letter from youth groups calls on feds to build back better by investing in training for young people
Pandemic Portfolio looks into whether Wealthsimple’s new ETFs let people invest in a better world
IEA summit urges global energy ministers to adopt ambitious green recovery plans
At clean transition summit, IEA executive director Fatih Birol warns that investment in clean energy must increase fourfold
How Alberta’s lithium-laced oil fields can fuel the electric vehicle revolution
Lithium in the oil patch could power the global push for EV batteries – if we build back better
2023 Best 50 Issue
Sustainability-minded donors are becoming agents of change
While the future of giving maybe uncertain, environmentally driven philanthropic support for business schools is growing
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Man of steel: Decarbonizing one of the most carbon-heavy materials on the planet
Chris Bataille's work is slowly but steadily helping the steel sector build a path to a net-zero carbon future
How to colour-correct corporate Canada’s diversity problem
Less than 1% of TSX60 leaders are Black, but BlackNorth Initiative is driving change at the top
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The world’s largest spice maker is greening farmers and growing fairer profits
2023 Best 50 Issue
Focusing on energy efficiency has blinded us to other unintended consequences of building materials–but a revolution is afoot
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How companies can get net-zero right
As the corporate world plans for net-zero emissions by 2050, a few principles should guide our collective thinking
Open letter from business leaders calls for bold green recovery
Nearly 50 corporate leaders tell the federal government "now is the time to be courageous and bold"
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